Certificate of Completion in Healthcare Assistant Programme

Sharing on nursing knowledge and skills, to emphasize on the knowledge and skill that is related to caregiving

Educate participants on the communication skills, soft skills that is important in caregiving

Identified the differences between hospital care, residential care, and home care services

Learn the DO’s and DON’T, expectation on caregiving

Programme Overview

Healthcare is at cross-roads to address the various dimensions. Quality caregiving services addresses the challenges of the ageing population, the prevalence of non-communicable diseases and the escalating cost of care.

Studies have shown that the recuperating time is reduced by 15% for patients receiving care at home as opposed to in the hospital. Hospital stays too are getting shorter with day-care minimally invasive procedures that require follow-up care at home. Home care enables the patient to receive continuity of care to recover from surgery or a chronic condition. It also relieves the patient and the family from many challenges in seeking care from a facility when the care can professionally be administered at home.

The psychological comfort of being at home and with the family members helps to speed up the recovery process. Making your home a step-down care facility with our expertise and care providers, it can reduce the daily cost of healthcare by up to 80% from a hospital facility without compromising on quality care provided. For doctors, they can keep a tap on their patients at home and be reassured that trained personnel are taking care of their patients after discharge. The continuous monitoring of the patient’s health condition supports the recovery and ensures treatment compliance. Hospitals can free up their beds faster and allow them to focus on patients with acute needs.

Caregiving services in Malaysia are getting more popular and high demand. Unfortunately, we are still very dependent on foreign workers to provide care from home to home. These phenomena have to be changed, Malaysian should be educated to take up the responsibility to provide caregiving services. This is very important to ensure continuous care will be rendered post patient discharge.

To ensure quality nursing care given at home, participants should educate on special knowledge and skills that needed for caregiving. By using local staff, it will ease the language problem, religion and others cultural issues.

Duration: 4 days (24 hours)
Fee: RM2000/pax

Malaysian Student
- None

1. 30 MCQ question after each module
2. Practical examination after each module

Academic Pathway

Graduates will be a trained healthcare assistance after completing the courses with full requirements

Expected Areas of Graduate Employment

Graduates of this program will have better understanding on caregiving and gain basic nursing knowledge and skills. Graduates may explore several career options including:

1. Opportunity to work in hospital as nursing aid

2. Opportunity to work in care center as healthcare assistance

3. Graduates can work as private caregiver in private nursing agency

4. Graduates can work in clinic as nursing assistance

Our Aims

1. To equip the students with basic nursing knowledge

2. To equip the students with basic nursing skills

3. To equip the students with proper communication and soft skill in caregiving

Our Objectives

To provide a comprehensive training to interested Malaysian who wish to have a long-term career in caregiving services

Programme Outcomes

Participants have better understanding on caregiving services and able to provide nursing care at home/care center as per expectation