Dato’ Sri Steve Yap

MSc (EB Med) (Oxon), MS (Metab Med) (USF), DMedSc (UCG), FICT, FAARFM, FNFMP

President, Association of Nutritional & Functional Medicine Practitioners, Malaysia;

President, Federation of Complementary & Natural Medical Associations of Malaysia; Adjunct Professor, School of Science, Engineering & Agrotechnology, University College Yayasan Pahang.



This article continues from previous article of the same title.


Consuming peanuts gives a feeling of ‘fullness’ since it triggers the hormone leptin. Effective for reducing one’s appetite if served at the start of your meal with a caffeinated drink such as tea or coffee as it’s usually done in Chinese restaurants, which probably don’t know that this food combination can reduce sale of their main dishes. Peanuts are also rich in L-tryptophan and are very low in glycermic index useful for weight reduction and management of diabetes.  The Hakka Looi-cha is very rich source of peanut ingredients and other phytonutrients since some 7 different vegetables and herbs being used in its preparation. Only non-rancid peanuts without molds should be consumed. Aflatoxin is a most dangerous liver-destroying carcinogen found in moldy peanuts (other nuts too) and even in some low-quality peanut butter. While the Chinese have a history of peanut consumption dating back some 3,000 years, this nut can be source of allergy for Caucasians.



Those who regularly consume refined starch, soft drinks, and processed meat products tend to develop constipation, although their effects may be reduced by a highly active thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).  Most adults can benefit from regular consumption of fibre-rich banana, which belongs to a berry family. Sugar content is higher in the fully ripe compared to semiripe ones. It’s good source potassium needed for proper functions of cells, tissues, and organs (especially the heart) of our body. Banana also contains silicon although this mineral is difficult to absorb. Excess salt intake promotes hypertension and potassium balances this negative effect of sodium such as reducing risk of stroke [10] and atherosclerosis.


White or brown bread?

If these are consumed with or without fruit jam on an empty stomach, they’re likely to significantly elevate the hormone insulin leading to fat gain or hypertriglyceridemia (excessive blood fat). In addition, a condition known as reactive hyperglycaemia can result for those who’re diabetic. Under this condition, there’s an initial hour or so of ‘comfort’ after consuming highly refined starch to be followed by more hunger spells and greater weight (fat) gain. The negative effect can be reduced by adding sufficient butter, peanut jam, or virgin coconut oil to bread for slowing down starch absorption. The oily addition helps trigger release of the hunger-suppressing hormone leptin, which causes a feeling of ‘fullness’.  For those suffering from sugar-craving, consuming refined carbohydrate such as bread, biscuits or buns can create an initiate ‘satisfying’ feeling.  


Diabetic fruit jam or juices

Fructose (fruit sugar) may be more harmful than glucose or even white sugar in promoting or accelerating insulin resistance or diabetes [11]. Our body generates about 50% more triglycerides (stored fat) from fructose compared to glucose. Blood fructose level isn’t commonly tested, but glucose is. Consequently, diet replacement meals using high fructose content and then testing for glucose can be viewed as a health scam. Fruit juices, fruit drinks,

fruit-sweetened yogurt, and sweet tropical fruits can all worsen your diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease or this sugar can accelerate their development even in children and adolescents [12]. Many blame nut consumption for their elevated blood uric acid levels. But research showed uric acid to be significantly raised after fructose (not glucose) intake [13]. Again, these are ‘comfort’ food and beverages that give an initial ‘high’ and then follow by low blood glucose causing hunger spell and later weight gain. 



The caffeine in this beverage enhances alertness, but can block absorption of iron from red meat, cashew nut or egg yolk consumed. Coffee is also able to raise levels of our brain neurotransmitter dopamine [43].  Low (40 mg) to moderate (300 mg) doses of caffeine can improve cognitive abilities [15].  Don’t depend on coffee for your antioxidant needs since virtually all of these could be destroyed by its processing since high heat is used in both its roasting and brewing. Some individuals may even have elevated blood pressure after regular coffee consumption in high quantity. Based on research evidence, about 3 to 4 cups of brewed coffee can be healthful to the liver. If you’re a new comer, start with a weak brew. But you develop insomnia from this beverage, this beverage isn’t an option for you unless consumed in the morning since caffeine can remain in your body for about 6 hours. Adequate water intake is essential since coffee and tea promote urine production. 


Alkaline Cocoa beverage 

Besides raising our dopamine levels, this highly nutritious beverage contains L-tryptophan (converted to serotonin which lowers anxiety and elevates mood), theobromine (to stop cough and other respiratory tract problems [16]), and trans-resveratrol (to turn on our longevity gene SIR2 and to renew our artery wall). The most potent food to stop chronic cough is a tablespoon of pure cocoa powder (not chocolate powder) in a cup of hot or warm water taken over a couple of days just like your cough mixtures. For those worry about the world’s number 1 killer, many studies show that cocoa lowers risk of heart attack. If you feel ‘heaty’ drinking it, blame it to your own dehydration. Your daily plain water intake must be adequate to maintain optimum health.


Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol changes one’s hormonal status and can lead to lowering one’s inhibitions in interacting with other people. When consumed on an empty stomach, our liver stops releasing glucose into the blood stream. If this drinking is prolonged, the lack of blood sugar may trigger a collapse due to severe hypoglycaemia. When nutritious foods are consumed with generous supply of alcohol, absorption of some nutrients are reduced. Excess alcohol is a main cause of fatty liver and abdominal obesity. The male hormone (testosterone) is aromatized (converted) to female hormone (estradiol) in the presence of excess alcohol while his stress hormone cortisol is elevated.  


The information given on this article is for educational purposes only. Do not self-treat. If you suffer from chronic health disorders, you’re advised to seek advice on nutritional therapy/medicine from a practising member of the Association of Nutritional & Functional Medicine Practitioners (www.anfmp.org.my).  


Note: References for this article are available upon request only from candidates doing training courses with the ICTM. This Article may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.

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