Jonathan Chew

Secretary-General ICTM

Nutritional & Functional Medicine Practitioner, DSY Wellness & Longevity Center

McMed (NM), F’Ship Anti-Aging Metabolic & Functional Medicine (A4M, USA)


EECP and its Potential Benefits for Heart Disease - Part 2

Let's continue to discover the benefits of EECP therapy. We mentioned EECP therapy improves cardiac function through compression on the lower extremities and buttocks. And the study showed significant improvements in cardiac symptoms and diseases, including coronary artery disease, angina pectoris and heart failure. Due to poor blood vessels and heart function, most patients with chronic heart disease are usually vulnerable to concomitant illness. Pieces of evidence imply that EECP therapy may indirectly benefit patients with these diseases.


Apart from direct cardiac benefits, patients with these concomitant diseases may benefit from undergoing EECP therapy.


Post-Covid fatigue

During the pandemic covid 19, a considerable number of people were infected and developed sequelae. The most reported post covid symptom is fatigue. A patient's brain fog and dyspnea improved after completing sessions of EECP treatment. Scientists

hypothesised the improvement may be due to the stimulation effect of the coronary artery by EECP treatment.


Helps in glycaemic control in patients with Type II diabetes

Type II diabetes is a chronic illness common in patients with chronic heart disease. It involves the functional deficiency of insulin, and this hormone helps to regulate high blood sugar. Type II diabetes also serves as a risk factor and prognosis factor for heart disease. It is suggested that uncontrolled diabetes damages the cell lining of the blood vessel. Vessels are vulnerable to broken and eventually cause limited blood flow to coronary vessels. Nevertheless, the clinical study showed that EECP therapy will increase sugar uptake into skeletal muscle, enhance the insulin effect, and ease the status of Type II diabetes.


Restless legs syndrome

EECP therapy is found to be safe and also helps to relieve symptoms in this patient group. For example, peripheral neuropathy, which causes unpleasant sensations in the lower limbs, has been hugely relieved. This may be because of increased blood flow to the lower extremities by the intermittent pressure exerted on them. Hence, the function of the nerves was then improved.


Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Patients with COPD feel hard to develop habits of regular exercise because of their frequent shortness of breath. So, their low exercise endurance is usually not favourable for aerobic exercise, contributing to muscle weakness in patients with COPD. The intervention of EECP has brought a little hope to this dilemma. A study revealed that patients with COPD who underwent EECP therapy have increased blood flow to cardiac muscle and the tolerability of muscles to low oxygen levels. A small number of patients also benefit from lung function after completing EECP.


Acute kidney injury

EECP therapy can improve blood flow and the filtration of kidneys and blood flow. It can increase urine output and helps to excrete excess ions and unwanted waste. And then, the blood pressure can be lowered in the body.


How does EECP therapy perform?

Before the procedure:

  1. The patient must wear tight and fit clothing to avoid friction.
  2. Cessation of tobacco products is required.
  3. The patient's vital signs should be stable, and his weight should be recorded before EECP.
  4. The patient's lower limbs are free of possible vascular problems such as deep vein thrombosis or severe infection.

During the procedure:

  1. Patients lie down with their faces up, and health practitioners will put three ECG leads on their chest.
  2. A finger sensor will be used to monitor blood oxygen and pressure levels.
  3. The compressive caffs will wrap around the patient's calves, thighs and buttocks.
  4. R wave will produce on the ECG and synchronise to the heart's contract and relaxed phase. This retrograde pulse wave is created that increases venous return to the heart.
  5. The whole session takes about 1 hour, and patients usually undergo 35 consecutive sessions of EECP over 7 weeks.

After the procedure:

You do not need to stay at the therapy centre or hospital after the procedure. It is normal to feel tired after therapy. You may feel improvements in symptoms after completing 30-35 consecutive sessions. It is advisable to seek medical services when your thighs have a persistent bruise or you experience exacerbated chest discomfort after ECCP therapy.


Since there is so much evidence to show the advantages of undergoing EECP therapy, who is eligible for EECP therapy?

-     Patients have long-term chest discomfort, which affects patient's physical activity.

-     Patients who have persistent chest discomfort even after drug control.

-     People with coronary artery disease who cannot undergo surgery or revascularisation procedure, including angioplasty, PCI and CABG due to age and medical condition

-     Have long-term chest discomfort and affect patient's physical activity

-     People with multiple previous revascularisations and other invasive procedures but symptoms remained or renewed.

-     Patient preference


Who should not undergo EECP therapy?

-     Pregnancy

-     Aortic insufficiency.

-     Atrial fibrillation (Afib).

-     Blood clots.

-     Congenital heart disease.

-     Enlarged heart

-     Valvular disease.

-     Haemorrhage.

-     Hypertension

-     Irregular heartbeat.

-     Fast heart rate

-     Severe peripheral vascular disease.


Any questions regarding EECP?

There is a ton of noise regarding EECP therapy in the health industry. As every cardiac case is unique, every patient should be comprehensively evaluated by medical professionals on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, while exploring different options for your heart disease, it is always important to seek professionals' advice before proceeding. If you're worried about your chest discomfort with the introduction of the EECP therapy, you could contact us through

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